Monday, November 22, 2010

Nutrition in plants

We will now learn about Nutrition. Nutrition in simpler words is the intake of 'nutrients' into the body of a living organisms to obtain energy for all the life process.
There are different nutrients which are necessarily needed by various organisms.
There are different modes by which organisms procure their nutrients, namely:
 Plants can be Auto trophic or Hetero trophic. There are different modes of nutrition of plants with them being modified for procuring that nutrition.
Autotrophic plants basically derive nutrition through the process of Photosynthesis.It is the process of  synthesizing organic compounds for the plant from Carbon -di- oxide and light (sunlight). The process of photosynthesis can be understood by a simple photosynthesis word equation.

Depending upon the quantities required by the plant, the nutrients are divided into  groups:
 Therefore plants have various methods of ingesting and obtaining the source of nutrients.

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