Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Charter Oak Federal Credit Union latest target of a phishing scam

This blog is about the news on phishing scam reported on 2nd November 2010.

A phishing scam was reported targeting customers of the Charter Oak Federal Credit Union in the Connecticut area. The scam swamped the Groton and New London areas with an automated message informing customers and non-customers alike that their card has been suspended.

Those who received the call were then asked to call up a number, presumably in Des Moines, Iowa (shades of a similar scam currently underway on customers of the Andrew Johnson Bank residing in the Green County and Knoxville area).
People who called up the given number were asked to verify their credentials by submitting their credit card number, ATM PIN number and its expiry date.

Fifty people were reported falling for the scam. Victims shuddered on recalling the scam as it seemed so real. They said, "anyone receiving the call will instinctively panic and be prone to calling up the phone number to give away their confidential details".

For more information on the meaning of scam, you may check out tutorvista scam definition where you will find the clear meaning of scam.

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