Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Asexual reproduction

Reproduction is the process through which a species continues its existence on earth by producing an 'offspring'.
It is also a fundamental part of the life and is therefore an important life process.

Reproduction is basically of 2 kinds:
Asexual reproduction, unlike sexual reproduction process, does not require 2 'parents' or a species of the opposite kind. It is usually observed in lower organisms in the pyramid of evolution. It is a much simpler process.

The different kinds of  Asexual reproduction are:
  • Binary fission
  • Multiple fission
  • Budding
  • Fragmentation
  • Spore formation
  • Vegetative reproduction
  • Parthenogenesis
  • Agamo- genesis
Asexual reproduction is a much simpler  process, but it does not contribute to the process of evolution. It doesn't involve genetic recombination and therefore new changes in the following species are not achieved. But asexual reproduction always gains an upper hand in the number of offsprings produced.

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