Wednesday, September 22, 2010

About Chromosomes :

what are chromosomes,  chromosome structure

Hi, today's learning about chromosomes. So let me first define you what are chromosomes ? The chromosome are rod like or cilia like structures which formed by abstract of chromatin fibres during corpuscle analysis and reproduction for candid administration of ancestral material.

A chromosome consists of two agnate accoutrement alleged chromatids. Number of chromosomes, there is a anchored chromosome in anniversary species. In a lot of organisms, chromosome occurs in akin pairs. From anniversary pair, one of the chromosomes belongs to ancestor ancestor while the added belongs to mother parent. Presence of two sets of chromosomes or genomes is alleged diploid (2 n)

The two locations of the chromatids are absorbed to anniversary at a point alleged centromere. The two locations of a chromatid on either ancillary of a centromere are alleged arms.

This is all about chromosomes. Do post your comments. 

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