Thursday, September 16, 2010

Be aware about causes of environmental pollution:

We always keep on complaining about the problem of pollution but we hardly do anything to stop pollution. Pollution is one of the major causes of global warming and it is gradually killing us and our mother earth. We are well aware of the causes of pollution if we really one to resist pollution, we need to control these causes.
We have to work out together for this.

Looking at the water pollution pictures i get tears in my eyes. When water is such a necessity for our life and it is polluted, how long can we live with the polluted water. Not only water but the air we inhale is polluted. So nothing is pollution free.

In order to save our earth or in one sense save our life, we need to resist pollution. So i will urge you to come forward to resist it. Trees purifies air and so cutting trees are harmful. If we will to stop pollution we can, so why not start it.

You might be thinking me as a social service person but i am not. I am just a common person who is selfish and wants to save oneself and it is only possible with the control of pollution. So save yourself, save your home i.e, mother earth. Join with me and start working to resist pollution.

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