Thursday, September 9, 2010

Know about Natural Resources

Today I will share with you something about natural resources as per my knowledge. I hope you like my writing. Natural resources are those which which occur naturally within environments. Many of them are essential for our survival.

Some examples of natural resources are: Air, Water, Minerals etc.
Natural resources are classified in different ways. Mainly there are two types of natural resources, They are:

  • Renewable natural resources 
  • Nonrenewable natural resources 
Renewable natural resources are those which have the capacity to renew themselves are called renewable natural resources. Examples for renewable natural resources are  Soil, Air, plants etc.

Nonrenewable natural resources are those which can not be renewed are called nonrenewable natural resources. Nonrenewable natural resources are listed as: Fossil fuels, oil, coal, diamonds etc.

This was about natural resources and its types. next we will move on some other concepts. Till then enjoy this learning.

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