Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today am going to write about osmosis. Plenty of of you might not be familiar with the term. So let me give you the definition of osmosis first for your better understanding.
Osmosis is the process of diffusion of water molecules across a semi permeable membrane from a higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.
Cell membranes are wholly permeable to water, and therefore, the environment the cell is exposed to, can have a dramatic effect on the cell. Some major example of osmosis are : absorption of water by plan roots, reabsorption of water by the proximal and distal convoluted tubules of the nephron, Absorption of water by the alimentary canal — stomach, small intestine and the colon, Reabsorption of tissue liquid in to the venule ends of the blood capillaries.

The potato experiment is the simple way to see the effects of osmosis

Respiration process in humans:

Let us discuss about respiration in humans.. Respiration is method of allowing the oxygen from air to enter in blood & CO<sub>2</sub> from blood to exit the body.Through the process of respiration, food in burnt and energy is released. Breathing ought to be the process which gets oxygen inside and carbon dioxide inside and then out of the body. It proceeds in 4 steps.
  • Ventilation : Ventilation (breathing) is the method of exchange of gases between atmosphere and lungs, dependent on pressure differences.
  • External respiration : It is convert of gases between the air in the alveoli and gore in the pulmonary capillaries. 
  • Internal respiration : Intramural metastasis is the convert of gases between tissue blood capillaries & paper cells.
  • Gas transport : O2 transport: Exclusive 1.5% is carried as dissolved oxygen in slaying plasma and 98.5% is carried with RBCs. The higher denseness of oxygen in the alveoli, slightly higher pH and slightly icebox temperature, justification hemoprotein to withdraw up oxygen and become oxyhemoglobin (HbO2).   CO2 transport: Transported in the blood in two main forms a) Dissolved CO2, b) Carbaminohemoglobin,  & finally as c) Bicarbonate ions.
This is about human respiratory system process. Next we will move on some other concept of biology.