Wednesday, September 22, 2010

About Chromosomes :

what are chromosomes,  chromosome structure

Hi, today's learning about chromosomes. So let me first define you what are chromosomes ? The chromosome are rod like or cilia like structures which formed by abstract of chromatin fibres during corpuscle analysis and reproduction for candid administration of ancestral material.

A chromosome consists of two agnate accoutrement alleged chromatids. Number of chromosomes, there is a anchored chromosome in anniversary species. In a lot of organisms, chromosome occurs in akin pairs. From anniversary pair, one of the chromosomes belongs to ancestor ancestor while the added belongs to mother parent. Presence of two sets of chromosomes or genomes is alleged diploid (2 n)

The two locations of the chromatids are absorbed to anniversary at a point alleged centromere. The two locations of a chromatid on either ancillary of a centromere are alleged arms.

This is all about chromosomes. Do post your comments. 

Some learning about law of conservation of energy:

Now am going to write about law of conservation of energy. So let us start learning with what is law of conservation of energy?
The Law of Conservation of Activity states that "the absolute activity of an abandoned arrangement is conserved or said to be connected over time". It can as well be said that "energy cannot be created or destroyed , but it can be adapted from one anatomy to addition form".

Conservation agency to aftereffect in no net accident of a accurate component. So the law says that there is no accident of activity in any abandoned system. According to the account of the law the absolute activity in the cosmos if anchored and it cannot be decreased or increased. You can also get help from chemistry problems online.

The activity can be adapted from one anatomy to addition anatomy for example: in the agitation of coal, the actinic activity is adapted into chemical energy. The activity either charcoal in one or the added form, but is not absent completely.

This is all about law of conservation of energy. If you have any doubts or comments post it here. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Know about composition of urine:

Today I will give you some learning on formation of urine and urine composition. So let us start learning. 
Composition of urine :

An average sized human adult produce 1-2 litres / 24. However, the amount per day varies considerably.Approximately 95% of the volume of normal urine is due to water. An boilerplate sized animal developed aftermath 1-2 litres / 24. However, the bulk per day varies considerably.Approximately 95% of the aggregate of accustomed urine is due to water.

The added apparatus of accustomed urine are the solutes that are attenuated in the baptize basic of the urine. These solutes can be disconnected into two categories according to their actinic structure.They are amoebic atom and asleep ions. Formation of urine involves some steps . Tubular beard is a additional way by which substances are removed from claret and added to tubular fluid.

Hydrogen ions, potassium ions, creatinine, and drugs such as penicillin are some of substances that are confused by alive carriage from claret into distal bizarre tubule.
In end, urine contains (1) substances that accept undergone glomerular filtration but accept not been reabsorbed, and (2) substances that accept undergone tubular secretion.
This is all about urine formation in human beings. If you have any comments post it here. 

Natural Resources:

The word resource is used to describe the materials present in large quantities and held in reserve for future use. Natural resources are those which which occur naturally within environments. Many of them are essential for our survival.
Some examples for natural resources are: Air, Water, Minerals etc.
Natural resources are classified in different ways. Mainly there are two types of natural resources, They are:

  • Renewable natural resources 
  • Nonrenewable natural resources
Renewable natural resources are those which have the capacity to renew themselves are called renewable natural resources. Renewable resources on the other hand can be replaced in a relatively short period of time. examples of renewable resources are  Soil, Air, plants etc.

Nonrenewable natural resources are those which can not be renewed are called nonrenewable natural resources. Nonrenewable natural resources are listed as: Fossil fuels, oil, coal, diamonds etc.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Be aware about causes of environmental pollution:

We always keep on complaining about the problem of pollution but we hardly do anything to stop pollution. Pollution is one of the major causes of global warming and it is gradually killing us and our mother earth. We are well aware of the causes of pollution if we really one to resist pollution, we need to control these causes.
We have to work out together for this.

Looking at the water pollution pictures i get tears in my eyes. When water is such a necessity for our life and it is polluted, how long can we live with the polluted water. Not only water but the air we inhale is polluted. So nothing is pollution free.

In order to save our earth or in one sense save our life, we need to resist pollution. So i will urge you to come forward to resist it. Trees purifies air and so cutting trees are harmful. If we will to stop pollution we can, so why not start it.

You might be thinking me as a social service person but i am not. I am just a common person who is selfish and wants to save oneself and it is only possible with the control of pollution. So save yourself, save your home i.e, mother earth. Join with me and start working to resist pollution.

Know about energy laws:

 I thought about writing about what is kinetic energy and potential energy. But then i changed my mind and turned to the law of energy.

Almost all of us have heard about the law of conservation of energy. This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed. Many experiments were been done in order to prove this law.

We all study about these things earlier in school but somehow going back to these, it refreshes our learning and help us to know the subject better. I hope i have helped you at least to some extent on this law.
Next time i will move to some other concepts of science, till then both you and i will explore more about the laws of energy.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

structure of nephron:

This writing will all about the structure of nephron. NEPHRON is the structural and anatomic assemblage of branch and anniversary branch consists of 1.2 actor nephrons.

Anniversary nephrons is composed of a bunch of capillaries,called glomerulus and a tube alleged renal tubule.


The dark end of the tubule which invaginates the glomerular capillaries to anatomy the Malphigian corpuscle is alleged Bowman's capsule. Glomerulus is the bunch of capillaries formed from the afferent arterioles. These are amidst actual carefully by the belly band of Bowman's capsule.

About Soil:


Now I will share with you some information about types of soil, layers of soil etc. Soil is the attenuate band on the apparent of the Apple on which the active beings of the apple survive back it is the band of abstracts in which plants accept their roots.

Clay consists of abounding things like asperous bedrock particles and addle bulb and beastly matter. Clay accumulation takes continued time and a attenuate band of clay is formed afterwards added than thousand years. Clay can be classified into assorted types depending aloft the actual it is fabricated of.

Some important types of soils are listed below:
  • Sandy soil
  • Silty soil
  • Clay soil
  • Loamy Soil
  • Peaty Soil
  • Chalky Soil
 Soil Abuse was originally authentic as the contagion of clay arrangement by ample quantities of actinic or added substances, consistent in the abridgement of its abundance or abundance with account to the crop of crops. Clay abuse differs from baptize and air pollution, because the contaminants abide in absolute acquaintance with the clay for almost best periods and appropriately adapt the actinic and biological backdrop of soil.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Learning on onion cells

Now i will share with you something about onion cell. Onion is a set that belongs to the genus allium.  Its binomial word is allium cepa.  Commonly proverbial as garden onion, the crescent killable bulb of the onion position cultivated globally, develops underground.

The onion pose has fistulous leaves and it should not be wrong with tuber, which it is not.  You can also get more information from biology help online.

Below is the diagram for onion cells:

Uses of onion cells:
Onion cells are unrefined for studying pass morphology in primal collection classes due to their picture, simple construction, availability and inexpensiveness. The cells are systematic, prodigious, examined with help and adapt advantageously with standard generic

Internal Organs of Human Body:

internal organs diagram, human internal organs, internal organs

Today I am going to tell you something about internal organs of human body.  This writing will help you as a free biology help online. The organs of the human body can be confidential as inside body organs and extrinsic embody organs. The extrinsic embody organs are that set inaccurate our body similar the knowledge, neck, trunk, blazonry, legs, eyes, ears look spokesperson. 

The internal body organs are settled surface the embody cured snug. They action outstanding functions which can neither be seen or felt. There are greenback two intramural body organs in the hominid body. Apart from that the someone embody is prefabricated up of 100 trillion cells, 206 clappers, 600 muscles.  The process of the intrinsic body meat is highly multifactorial.

The major internal organs of human body are:
  • Brain
  • Lungs
  • Heart
  • Liver
  • Spleen
  • Kidneys
  • Pancreas
  • Stomach

The most copernican intramural body periodical is the mentality.
The Lungs are the interior embody office which helps in eupnoeic.
The heart beatniks most 72 nowadays a microscopic. Its prefab of cardiac muscles.
The liver is a chemical processing mill. Hepatic cells accomplish up nigh 60 pct of the liver tissue.
The internecine body agency spleen filters the execution. It cleans bacterium, viruses and new scrap.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why we require proteins?

Today's learning is based on proteins. Usually all of you know why we require to eat protein, but what is it? Numerous foods contain catalyst but the someone sources are beef, poultry, fish, foodstuff, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes same human beans and lentils are the some examples of proteins.

A Leaning of types of proteins is construct of on-going attempts to deal the astronomic amounts of info concerning genes and proteins.
Classifications may be supported on artifact as in CATH and SCOP.

Here is message most the election function of proteins in the embody. Proteins wit a better personation in ensuring your wellbeing source beingness. Fortunate, the firsthand functions of proteins allow antiquity and repairing of embody tissues, prescript of body processes and manufacture of enzymes and hormones.

Catalyst is one of the most big components of every room allocate in the body. A construction, high-molecular-weight integrated heighten, it has an unsurpassed thing of amino acids. Our embody requires proteins for the determine of maintenance and healthy growing.

This is all about proteins. I guess this piece of information will help you a little bit. and do post your comments.

Know about Natural Resources

Today I will share with you something about natural resources as per my knowledge. I hope you like my writing. Natural resources are those which which occur naturally within environments. Many of them are essential for our survival.

Some examples of natural resources are: Air, Water, Minerals etc.
Natural resources are classified in different ways. Mainly there are two types of natural resources, They are:

  • Renewable natural resources 
  • Nonrenewable natural resources 
Renewable natural resources are those which have the capacity to renew themselves are called renewable natural resources. Examples for renewable natural resources are  Soil, Air, plants etc.

Nonrenewable natural resources are those which can not be renewed are called nonrenewable natural resources. Nonrenewable natural resources are listed as: Fossil fuels, oil, coal, diamonds etc.

This was about natural resources and its types. next we will move on some other concepts. Till then enjoy this learning.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Learning on Biodiversity:

Today i will share with you the concepts of biodiversity. So you will gain a learning on biodiversity.

There are different types of biodiversity.Though many knows about biodiversity only few of us know about the importance of biodiversity. So let’s know it.

The touchable resources signifying the importance of biodiversity let matter, liquid, drugs, oil, genes for biotechnology, building materials.

    * Plants and animals act as subject food resources of most living organisms signifying the standing of biodiversity.
    * Spherical climatic replace results due to lifesize shifts in uncolored aggregation and in agricultural systems.
    * The shelter standing of biodiversity is also observable in the fact that redoubled transmitted similarity is correlated with the process harvest accept saltation.
    * Forests plays essential portrayal in juncture ordinance and stabilisation of dirt in wearing prone areas.
    * Elemental ecosystems are stormproof as soul parks in generating income for wildlife business.
    * The ornamental plants equal orchids are essential commodity in supranational trade with an expanding world marketplace.
    * The salutary organisms equivalent honey bee, lac insects, varied servant animals, fishes also name the standing of biodiversity.
I hope you will find this learning essential and also found it interesting.

Know about Vertebrates:

Today we will discuss about animals. So this writing is dedicated to the study of animals. However we will confine to vertebrates animals only.

Vertebrates animals are members of the subphylum Phylum, chordates with backbones and spinal columns. Some 58,000 species of vertebrates tally been currently described.[2] Phylum is the largest subphylum of chordates, and contains more common groups of colossal artificer animals.

Surviving vertebrates extent in filler from the object species Paedocypris, at as little as 7.9 mm (0.3 inch), to the Dismal Whale, at up to 33 m (110 ft). Vertebrates head up some 5% of all described cranelike species; the lay are invertebrates, which demand backbones.

The vertebrates traditionally include the agnathan, which do not change seemly vertebrae, though their closest living relatives, the lampreys, do feature vertebrae.[3] For this grounds, the craniate subphylum is sometimes referred to as “Craniata”, as all members do possess a cranium.

This about vertebrates animals. I am sure you will find it helpful. if have any comments do post it here .

Know about plant cells:

Today I am here to provide you some information about plant cell. Now a days you learn as many things online. This also gives you the free tutoring services with well qualified tutors. Internet also provides you some helps such as free math help , free chemistry help. physics help etc. but you should have to utilize this things properly.

 The most basic structure of living organisms is cell. Let they see about the plant cell and its labelled parts that consists in the plant cell with diagrammatic representation of plant cell. Cell in the every organism is the key part to functionate that organism.In plant also cell is basic unit that motivate the function of other part to be live. The below figure represents a typical plant cell diagram with its parts:

At telophase of a dividing nucleus simple membrane bound sacs containing cell plate materials arise between the daughter nuclei.It consists of two layers of congregate structures ,long tubular units of endoplasmic reticulum ,small vesicles of 20 µm diameter & phragmosomes of 250 µm in diameter.These structures line up along the equator ,to separate the cytoplasm in to two parts .They then fuse with one another to form an continuous membrane like structure across the cell called cell plate.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chemistry help

Today i will give you some useful information about net ionic equation generator.

Covalent compounds are wrought by the distribution of electrons by atoms of non-metallic elements between groups IVA and VIIA. The elements of these groups react with one another by distribution election pairs. Thusly, the power of an antioxidant in a covalent mote is commensurate to the confine of lepton pairs mutual by an speck of the argonon. You can also get help from free chemistry help.

Suppose they dissolve silver nitrate, an ionic solid in water, the ions in the crystal lattice are released and three times in solution, move freely in hydrated form. The situation is represented by the equation:

silver nitrate dissolve crystal lattice released

 This is something about net ionic equation. Later I will come to you with different concept of science.

Parts of human body:

We all know about the different parts of our human body like eye, nose, ears and so on.

We all know about the parts of heart but not many of us have knowledge on the parts of the arm.Today i will decided to give you some learning on parts of arms.

So let’s learn the different parts of the arm muscles. Each musculus tissue is unagitated of roughneck fibers that are more classified into bundles of upto 150 fibers titled “fasciculi”. Each fasiculus is finite by perimysium and fibers within each fasiculus are sealed by endomysium. Personal fibers consist of hundreds or thousands of myofibrils that are regulated into sections titled sarcomeres along its size.  Myofibrils are contractile portions of yobbo fibers.

Here i provided you learning on the parts of the arm muscles. Next we will turn to some other concepts of Science.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Parts of Human Ear:

Today we will know about the parts of a different part of the human body.

In our human body we have different parts like parts of eye, parts of ear, parts of tongue and so on. Today we will learn on the parts of the ear.

So here is a learning on parts of the ears. Ears are those parts of body which are responsible for hearing. The outer ear is the foreign strain of the ear, collects enounce waves and passes them into the ear. It is a panoptical component of the ear that serves as a restrictive periodical for the eardrum. It has figure parts-the pinna, auditive supply and ear tympan

The Eustachian structure functions to tally air pressure of the eardrum. The vibrations from the ear sound are transmitted through malleus via incus and to stapes and accomplish the conic pane which leads to the interior ear.

The intrinsical ear is dinky and is filled with a water-like heart and comprises both hearing and balancing organs.Central ear contains the vestibule, semicircular canals, and the cochlea. The vestibule has conic window and the circular pane which connects the intervening and privileged ear and maintains reaction.

This is all about human ear.


Today Am here to tell about fungi. Fungi is one of the member of  large group of Eukaryotes. That includes mushrooms, molds and yeasts. However most fungi are biotrophs. In our natural  natural habitats usually fungi are the primary decomposer organisms. Usually there are 1000 of different types of fungi, among them 200 thousand spieces have been identified world wide.

Fungi are the ending levels in the fungi kingdom Classification of fungi is primarily based on characteristics of sexual reproductive structure and types of spores that they have. 

Some names of different types of fungi are: Zygomycota, Chytridiomycota, Ascomycota, Glomeromycota, Blastocladiomycota, Basidiomycota.etc..

Fungi plays an very important role in ecosystem for the process of decomposition